Workshop on Automotive Cyber Security

Work in Progress session

This year ACSW'23 is opening a Work-in-Progress (WiP) session to allow young researchers in the field of automotive cybersecurity to present early results and work-in-progress at the workshop to other authors and participants.
The WiP session of ACSW'23 is organized as a poster session, where each author is expected to present their work at the audience with an elevator pitch and then to present a poster in the workshop room. Posters presented in the WiP session are not included in the proceedings of the main conference.

Submission instructions
To submit a WiP presentation at ACSW'23 the authors should send the title and the abastract of their presentation (in PDF format) at both workshop chairs (Pal-Stefan Murvay and Dario Stabili). The submission should be in PDF format and not exceeding 1 page using the IEEE EuroS&P conference proceeding template (

Notification of the WiP presentation will be sent within 5 working days from the reception of the submission.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 16, 2023
Notification to the authors:within 5 working days from the reception of the email