Workshop on Automotive Cyber Security
The first workshop on Automotive Cyber Security (ACSW) will be organized in conjunction with IEEE EuroS&P 2022. The workshop will take place on June 10, 2022 (post-conference workshop) in Genoa, Italy.

Call for Papers

Modern automotive systems are one of the most novel declinations of Cyber-Physical Systems, where actuation of different features of the vehicle are operated by embedded systems (powered by microcontrollers) with limited computational power and memory. These microcontrollers are connected with each other by means of different communication networks. Although these communication protocols are designed to operate in an isolated environment, the adoption of external connectivity on modern vehicles paved the way for novel attack scenarios exploiting the vulnerabilities of in-vehicle protocols. Multiple novel communication protocols addressing the vulnerabilities of the most common in-vehicle communication networks have been proposed by security researchers, but the benefits in terms of industry knowledge, affidability, and cost-efficiency of legacy protocols are still preventing modern solutions to be deployed in mass-produced vehicles. Hence it is necessary to develop solutions that are designed for established internal and external vehicle communication networks to increase the security of these protocols by considering the constraints of automotive systems.

Aim & Scope

The workshop on Automotive Cyber Security aims to bring together researchers and practitioners, interested in all aspects of automotive systems security, to contribute with and discuss new advances in the field of automotive cybersecurity. The workshop on Automotive Cyber Security aims to present recent advances in the state-of-the-art for cybersecurity of road vehicles, bringing together researchers and practitioners across all areas of computer security focusing on automotive systems. All papers discussing security and privacy issues of modern vehicles are welcome for submission. ACSW particularly welcomes papers focusing on the security of communication networks found inside and outside the modern vehicles, on the privacy issues related to modern infotainment systems, and on the forensic analysis of modern vehicle components. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Secure in-vehicle and V2X communication
  • Intrusion detection and prevention for automotive systems and automotive cyber-physical systems
  • Vulnerability assessment and attack simulation for automotive communication protocols
  • Forensic analysis and reverse engineering of modern automotive components

Submission Instructions

Anonymous Submission

Submitted papers will undergo a double blind reviewing process, so authors must make sure that initial submissions do not contain information that might reveal their identity (e.g., author names, affiliations, email addresses or obvious self references). It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their anonymity is preserved when citing their own work. Failures to adhere to these requirements can be grounds for rejection. Contact the program chairs if you have any questions.

Page Limit and Formatting

All papers must be written in English and must not exceed 10 pages in A4 format using the IEEE conference proceeding template (excluding appendices) supplied here: eurosp-2021-template. Submissions must be in PDF format and should print easily on simple default configurations. Please do not use other IEEE templates. Failure to adhere to the page limit and formatting requirements can be grounds for rejection.

Proceedings and Submission

The proceedings will be published by the IEEE after the workshop and will be available in IEEE Xplore. During submissions, authors can choose to have their paper excluded from the proceedings. All submissions considered for inclusion in the proceedings must contain an original contribution and should not be concurrently submitted to other workshops, conferences, or journals. These requirements are relaxed for papers which will not be included in the proceedings. Papers must be submitted at EasyChair and may be updated at any time until the submission deadline expires. Please upload your submissions to EasyChair and select the track for the ACSW Workshop on Automotive Cyber Security.

Publication and Presentation

Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate publication clearances. One of the authors of the accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the conference workshop. Submissions received after the submission deadline or failing to conform to the submission guidelines risk rejection without review.